Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Dyan Walsh, Shohreh Aghdashloo
Alejandro Agresti
David Aubum
Warner Bros
Dr. Kate Foster (Sandra Bullock) left the Lake House because of working in Chicago. Before leaving the house, Kate left the letter in the boxletter for further occupants.

In the letter of Kate instructed so that occupants just want to send letters for him to the new address.

The letter made Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves) confused. Alex knew true if the work house of his father for a long time had not been that occupied. Then who of Kate, the woman who claimed remained in the house that beforehand?

This puzzle was answered after Kate again visited the lake house. At that time Kate was really stricken when a man was killed, because Kate could not help the accident casualties.

Because Kate's Stress went to the lake house. In the place he even experienced the incident that was not expected. The letter that he left in the mailbox was repaid. From the letter of Kate knew that he and Alex lived in two periods that were different 2004 and 2006.

Since then they had been connected through the letter that was left in the mailbox in front of the lake house. From the letter they fell in love mutually.

One day they wanted to meet in a restaurant. They will promise to meet tomorrow and that significant 2 years more for Alex. Unfortunately Alex did not meet he promiseed, in fact Kate was waiting for him. Like that Kate's disappointment so as to decide to be not again connected.

Two years pass by currently Alex Be in 2006 and Kate in 2008. Exact in Valentine Day Kate visited Alex's office and his brother. In the place he met the brother Alex that informed him that Alex died in the last 2 years because of the accident.

The story reminded Kate of the accident incident that was seen by him 2 years ago. He realised that the man who was killed this was Alex. Then with as hard as possible he headed the Lake House and wrote the letter for Alex. In his letter of Kate asked so that Alex goes and is waiting for him in the Lake House.

And the end………………………………………….?
This story was quite interesting and romantic although not all that entered the mind but this story stayed extraordinary. This film was adapted from the Korean film (il Mare) that was produced in 2000.
DVD THIS had the VALUE 8 TO be Collected.
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